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bucky bird
a black and white photograph of an ornate three-tiered ornamental memorial fountain in an urban park (buckingham fountain in chicago) with a bird caught in flight against the sky
a black and white photograph of a dead mallard duck in tall dry autumn grass. beads of rain water dot the bird’s feathers.
a function of memory
a black and white double-exposure showing an early 20th-century urban park pavilion structure with columns in strong angled sun, superimposed with a sky full of looming trees for a completely overgrown feeling.
go e-z
a square-format black and white photograph of a sign for a mechanic shop called GO E-Z, against a cloudy sky.
tyler elbows
black and white photograph of a jumble of cast iron sewer pipe elbow junctions seen from fairly close up, emphasizing the dark interiors, circular openings and rivet holes, and the smooth curves.
pots & pans
track & saplings
from the bridge
snow fence
van buren drive in
where am i
this place is mine
knee deep
in the forest
The above images are all the work of Jay Besemer, and are not available for use without permission. Please use the contact form on this website to inquire about possible use of these images, availability of original works for purchase or other image-related questions. Thank you!